The district has plans in place for: bomb threats, earthquake, emergency school closure, fire, flood, hazardous materials, intruder/violence, power outage/other utility problems and serious injury or death. These plans have specific instructions for the administration, teachers, and students. During most of the situations they will stay indoors or be evacuated outside of the building.
The following is the district's policy on releasing students during an emergency.
Release of Students during Times of Emergency
"In times of emergency, if possible, the schools will attempt to contact parents using the automated calling system. If the schools are unable to phone each parent to inform them of the early or emergency school closure, notification will be given by law enforcement, county emergency management officials, and local T.V. and radio stations. This notification will include reason for closure and access areas for parental pickup."
"Each teacher will have a copy of student information form with them in their emergency backpack. The adults listed on this form will be the ONLY adults the students will be released to. Any other adult showing up may stay WITH the student, but they will NOT be permitted to leave with them unless the schools receive verification from the adults listed on the student information form."
"PRIOR to the APPROVED adult(s) taking the student, the student information form must be signed at the bottom by the adult taking the child."
"Teachers must stay with the students until all their students are picked up and/or the principal or his/her replacement approves their leaving."
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